Visit from the Mayor of Sankt Augustin

Sankt Augustin’s Mayor Klaus Schumacher, accompanied by the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Sankt Augustin mbH (WFG), is a regular guest at local companies. He recently visited the Sankt Augustinian manometer manufacturer Manometer Preiss EMPEO-KBM OHG.

Managing director Waldemar Bondza and his son, production manager Andreas Bondza, welcomed the guests and presented the family company that has been based in Sankt Augustin since 1998. Pressure gauges are pressure measuring devices and can be found in industry and in almost every household. Manometer Preiss currently employs 30 people and is the only manufacturer of manometers that manufactures exclusively in Germany. This enables a high degree of flexibility and short delivery times for orders. In this way, the high quality of the products can also be guaranteed and these can be appropriately marketed with the “Made in Germany” label. In total, around 300,000 manometers are manufactured in Sankt Augustin each year.

During a tour of the company, Klaus Schumacher and business developer Edgar Bastian had the individual production steps explained to them. They were clearly impressed by the pleasant working atmosphere and the open attitude of the company. Above all, the company is committed to employing people with disabilities, who can find not only a job at Manometer Preiss, but also a task and a connection to society. In addition, Andreas Bondza is an honorary member of the examination committee of the IHK Bonn / Rhein-Sieg.

The future of the company is also secured, because Andreas Bondza will take over the company at the beginning of 2019 and continue to run it in Sankt Augustin.

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